Whom we serve

Our expertise lies in the design and construction of ground improvement.
Project Owners, we can advise in optimizing the ground improvement and general foundation design of their project together with their general or geotechnical consultants, and we can support them in selecting the best Technical Specification for tendering the works to specialty contractors. Based on the extensive experience of our staff as contractor engineers we are also able to support Owners in all issues related to the constructability of the ground improvement works.
Design Build Companies can benefit from our extensive experience in designing some of the most challenging ground improvement projects with advanced tools like Plaxis3D. Also, our past experience working for specialist contractors gives us an edge in evaluating what is possible and at what risk.
Framework Agreement Partners are companies that we advise on a regular basis under a service framework agreement. This allows us to go from case to case exclusive with them for certain projects or even certain territories. Such Framework Agreements can be with Main Contractors and with select regional ground improvement contractors.
Members of Soilmechanics carry partial ownership of Betterground Group, which since the spinoff of its engineering arm through Soilmechanics reduced its services to equipment sales, rental, and repair.